Windows instructions

Below we list the various dependencies required to build the mCRL2 toolset in its basic configuration. For testing and building the documentation we need additional dependencies that are listed at the end.

  • Visual Studio 2022 with C++ development to obtain a compiler and IDE to build the toolset.

  • Boost library sources, which can be downloaded from and extracted in any desired location.

  • Qt version at least 6.2.4. Download and install Qt, which requires a Qt account. Alternatively, install Conda and install the qt5-base package.

  • CMake 3.14.0 must be installed.

  • Python 3.6 <> is optionally needed for various activities such as testing, building documentation and code generation.

After installing the required dependencies we can open cmake-gui to perform the configuration steps. First of all, select the mCRL2 directory as the source directory and mCRL2-build as the directory to build the binaries. Then press Generate and select the installed Visual Studio version as generator. When generation fails make sure to set Boost_INCLUDE_DIR to <boost_dir>/include and Qt6_DIR to the place where Qt is installed followed by /lib/cmake/Qt6.

To compile the toolset, open the generated mCRL2.sln located in the build directory with Visual Studio (or click Open Project in cmake-gui) and choose Build Solution.


When running graphical tools Windows may have difficulty finding the Qt DLLs, which prevents the GUI tools from running. To repair this we can use the windeployqt tool provided by Qt to install the required DLLs and platform plugins in the local directory by executing windeployqt <ltsgraph.exe> in the stage/bin/<Configuration> directory.