Common functionality

The mCRL2 Library contains some algorithms that are applicable to several libraries. The most prominent example is a traversal framework and a family of find functions that has been implemented on top of that. This chapter discusses some of these algorithms.

Traversal functions

The mCRL2 Library contains a range of generic traversal functions. There are different types of travelsals possible:

Each library defines classes that support these traversal types, namely traverser, binding_aware_traverser and builder. They are the most commonly occurring traversals. When writing an algorithm that needs to traverse an object, one can usually implement it using one of the predefined traversal classes.

When deriving from a traverser class, the enter and leave functions must be made visible using

using super::enter;
using super::leave;


For Visual C++ the following workaround must be applied as well, otherwise it will complain about ambiguities of operator().

      // Workaround for malfunctioning MSVC 2008 overload resolution
      template < typename Container >
      void operator()(Container const& a)


It is possible to change the way an object is traversed by overriding member functions. How that works exactly needs be figured out.

Implementation details

The traverser classes have the following structure:

template < typename Derived >
class traverser
    void operator()(function_symbol const& e);
    void operator()(data_expression const& e);

template < typename Derived >
class binding_aware_traverser : public traverser< Derived >;

template < typename Derived >
class sort_traverser : public traverser< Derived >;

The default implementation for operator() calls the function enter upon entering and leave upon leaving an object. By default these functions have an empty body, so they can be optimized away by the compiler. The user can override these functions in a base class to add behavior. If an object has any sub objects, they can be visited by applying the operator() function to them. In the example below this is done with the name() attribute of a variable.

void operator()(variable const& e)
  static_cast< Derived& >(*this).enter(e);
  static_cast< Derived& >(*this)(;
  static_cast< Derived& >(*this).leave(e);

Note that the Curiously recurring template pattern needs to be applied in the implementation of traverser, since it needs access to protected interfaces of derived classes.

The traversal framework can be reused in other libraries. The LPS Library defines classes lps_data_traverser and lps_binding_aware_traverser like this:

template < typename Derived, template < class > class Traverser = mcrl2::data::detail::traverser >
class lps_data_traverser : public Traverser< Derived >
    void operator()(const multi_action& a);
    void operator()(const linear_process& p);

template < typename Derived >
struct lps_binding_aware_traverser : public lps::detail::lps_data_traverser< Derived, data::detail::binding_aware_traverser >


The traversal classes have only been partly defined for the LPS Library and not yet for the Process and PBES Library.


The following are three examples of applications of traversers and builders.

The first example shows a traverser that computes the sum of all integers. Applied to a vector of integers, this will compute the sum of all integers in the vector.

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include "mcrl2/core/traverser.h"

using namespace mcrl2;

struct int_traverser: public core::traverser<int_traverser>
  // The following lines are needed to make static polymorphism work.
  typedef core::traverser<int_traverser> super;
  using super::operator();
  using super::enter;
  using super::leave;
  int count;
    : count(0)
  // Handle integers.
  void operator()(int i)
    count += i;

int main()
  std::vector<int> v;

  int_traverser f;
  assert(f.count == 5);
  return 0;

The example is extended with different traversers, and again applied to a vector of integers in the following example.

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "mcrl2/core/traverser.h"

using namespace mcrl2;

struct A
  int i;
  std::vector<int> v;
  A(int i0, const std::vector<int>& v0)
    : i(i0), v(v0)

template <typename Derived>
struct int_traverser: public core::traverser<Derived>
  typedef core::traverser<Derived> super;
  using super::operator();
  using super::enter;
  using super::leave;
  // Handle integers.
  void operator()(int i)
    std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;

template <typename Derived>
struct A_traverser: public int_traverser<Derived>
  typedef int_traverser<Derived> super;
  using super::operator();
  using super::enter;
  using super::leave;
  // Handle A.
  void operator()(const A& a)
    // The static_cast<Derived&>(*this) makes it possible to override functions.

template <typename Derived>
struct B_traverser: public A_traverser<Derived>
  typedef A_traverser<Derived> super;
  using super::operator();
  using super::enter;
  using super::leave;
  // Override the handler for integers.
  void operator()(int i)
    std::cout << "2*i = " << 2*i << std::endl;

int main()
  int i = 3;
  std::vector<int> v;
  A a(i, v);

  // Apply A_traverser to a. This gives the following output:
  // i = 3
  // i = 1
  // i = 4

  // Apply A_traverser to a. This gives the following output:
  // 2*i = 6
  // 2*i = 2
  // 2*i = 8
  return 0;

Traversers are read only, i.e. they do not modify a term. The following example shows a builder, that increments each integer.

#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include "mcrl2/core/builder.h"

using namespace mcrl2;

struct int_builder: public core::builder<int_builder>
  // The following lines are needed to make static polymorphism work.
  typedef core::builder<int_builder> super;
  using super::operator();
  using super::enter;
  using super::leave;

  // Handle integers.
  void operator()(int& i)
    i += 1;

int main()
  std::vector<int> v;

  int_builder f;
  assert(v[0] == 2);
  assert(v[1] == 5);
  return 0;


The Traversal Framework is a collection of classes that support traversal over hierarchical mCRL2 data structures. Many algorithms are built on top of this library. The most important examples are the find and replace functions. The goal of the traversal framework is to provide algorithms with a uniform interface, and to prevent repetitive code for traversing mCRL2 data structures.

Find functions

The mCRL2 Library contains a wide range of algorithms built on top of the traversers and builders. An overview of the most commonly used traverser based functions is given below.

The mCRL2 Library contains a range of generic find functions. These are:

Generic find functions




Finds basic sorts that occur in an object


Finds data expressions that occur in an object


Finds free variables that occur in an object


Finds identifiers that occur in an object


Finds sort expressions that occur in an object


Finds variables that occur in an object

These functions can be applied to a wide range of objects in the mCRL2 Library, ranging from data_expression to action_summand.

Find functions for data specifications




Finds a constructor


Finds equations with a given expression as head on one of its sides


Finds a mapping


Finds a sort

Generic replace functions




Applies a substitution to sort expressions that occur in an object. Optionally it can be applied to nested expressions.


Applies a substitution to variables that occur in an object within the context of a data expression.


Applies a substitution to free variables that occur in an object within the context of a data expression.


Applies a substitution to data expressions that occur in an object. Optionally it can be applied to nested expressions.


Applies a substitution to propositional variable instantiations that occur in an object within the context of a pbes expression.

Other generic traverser based functions




Applies a transformation to numbers, sets and bags that is needed after parsing.


Brings embedded sorts into normal form.


Applies a rewriter to embedded expressions, optionally in combination with a substitution.

These functions can be applied to a wide range of objects in the mCRL2 Library, ranging from data::data_expression to lps::action_summand. Each library has it’s own overloads of these functions. For example to find data variables in an object of the LPS library, the function lps::find_variables must be used.


It is important to choose the right overload of generic traverser functions. Failing to do so may result in compilation errors, or runtime exceptions.

Implementation details

The implementation of find functions is not finished yet. It has to be figured out how to extend the functionality of the Data Library to other libraries. The file mcrl2/lps/find.h currently contains this:

/// \brief Returns all data variables that occur in a range of expressions
/// \param[in] container a container with expressions
/// \return All data variables that occur in the term t
template <typename Container, typename OutputIterator >
void find_free_variables(Container const& container, OutputIterator o)
  data::detail::make_free_variable_find_helper< lps::detail::lps_binding_aware_traverser >(o)(container);

/// \brief Returns all data variables that occur in a range of expressions
/// \param[in] container a container with expressions
/// \return All data variables that occur in the term t
/// TODO replace uses by data::find_free_variables
template <typename Container >
std::set< data::variable > find_free_variables(Container const& container)
{ ... }

Generic programming techniques

The file =mcrl2/data/detail/container_utility.h= contains two utility functions enable_if_container and disable_if_container for determining if a type is a container type. It can be used to create an interface that does different things for containers and for other types:

template <typename Container>
void operator()(const Container& t, typename data::detail::enable_if_container<Container>::type* = 0)

template <typename Term>
void operator()(const Term& t, typename data::detail::disable_if_container<Term>::type* = 0)

Static polymorphism

For the traversal functions in mCRL2 a technique called static polymorphism is used.

Below an example is given how static polymorphism can in principle be used to implement find functions in the mCRL2 Library. In this case, A models data::detail::traverser, B models lps::detail::traverser and C models data::detail::find_helper.

#include <iostream>

// base class
template <typename Derived>
struct A
  void a()
    std::cout << "A::a()" << std::endl;

// extended class
template <typename Derived>
struct B: public A<Derived>
  void b()
    std::cout << "B::b()" << std::endl;

// override the a() function
template <template <class> class T>
struct override: public T<override<T> >
  void a()
    std::cout << "override::a()" << std::endl;

int main()
  override<B> f;

  return 0;


In the tables below, X is an substitution type, a and b are constant objects of type X, s are mutable objects of type X, V is X::variable_type, and v is a constant object of type V. E is X::expression_type, and e is a constant object of type E.

A class or built-in type X models the Substitution concept if it models Unary Function and the following expressions are valid and respect the stated semantics.

Substitution Requirements


Return Type



A class or built-in type X models the Mutable Substitution concept if it models the Substitution concept and if X::variable_type can be assigned to X::expression_type. The following expressions are valid and respect the stated semantics.

Mutable Substitution Requirements (in addition to Substitution)


Return Type

Assertion/ Pre-/Post-condition

s[v] = e

post: s(v) == e

s[v] = v

post: s(v) == v

The mutable_substition template class implements the Mutable Substitution concept. In addition, it has a number additional member functions in common with a std::map.