Apply abstraction to the data domain of a PBES, based on user defined mappings.
Besides a PBES, the user must supply an input file, containing the following:
A partial data specification, that contains sorts and equations for the added abstractions.
An abstraction mapping of sorts, and an abstraction mapping of functions. The keywords absmap and absfunc are used for this. The symbol := is used to separate the left hand and the right hand sides of the mappings.
sort AbsBit = struct arbitrary; var b:Bit; eqn h(b) = arbitrary; abseq(arbitrary,arbitrary) = {true,false}; absinv(arbitrary) = {arbitrary}; absmap h: Bit -> AbsBit; absfunc ==: Bit # Bit -> Bool := abseq : AbsBit # AbsBit -> Set(Bool); inv: Bit -> Bit := absinv : AbsBit -> Set(AbsBit);
This file is passed to the tool using the option -a. The tool attempts to automatically generate abstractions of functions that were not specified by the user. The data specification and the right hand sides of the function mapping are merged with the data specification of the input PBES.
- orphan:
pbesabsinthe [OPTION]... [INFILE [OUTFILE]]
Reads a file containing a PBES, and applies abstraction to it’s data domain, based on a user defined mappings. If OUTFILE is not present, standard output is used. If INFILE is not present, standard input is used.
Command line options
, --abstraction-file=FILE
use the abstraction specification in FILE.
, --enable-logging
print absinthe specific log messages
, --in=FORMAT
use input format FORMAT:
PBES in internal format
BES in PGSolver format
PBES in textual (mCRL2) format
, --out=FORMAT
use output format FORMAT:
BES in internal format
PBES in internal format
BES in PGSolver format
PBES in textual (mCRL2) format
, --strategy=NAME
use the approximation strategy NAME:
an over-approximation
an under-approximation
append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if no FILE is provided
, --used-function-symbols
print used function symbols
Standard options
, --quiet
do not display warning messages
, --verbose
display short log messages
, --debug
display detailed log messages
display log messages up to and including level; either warn, verbose, debug or trace
, --help
display help information
display version information
display help information, including hidden and experimental options