
The tool lpsbinary takes a linear process and replace parameters with a finite data domain by booleans. The advantage of this is that some tools are much better in dealing with Booleans than with arbitrary data types. This for instance the case when binary decision diagrams are used (as used by jittyp).

As an example consider the following linear process:

sort D = struct d1 | d2 | d3;

act  a: Nat # D # Bool;

proc P(n_P: Nat, d_P: D, b_P: Bool) =
       sum e_P: D.
         a(n_P, d_P, b_P) .
         P(n_P = n_P + 1, d_P = e_P, b_P = !b_P)
     + delta;

init P(0, d1, true);

When applying lpsbinary the sort D is replaced by two booleans. The sort Bool as well as sorts of which it cannot be determined that they are finite are not changed. The result is given by:

sort D = struct d1 | d2 | d3;

act  a: Nat # D # Bool;

proc P(n_P: Nat, d_P1,d_P2,b_P: Bool) =
       sum e_P: D.
         a(n_P, if(d_P2, if(d_P1, d1, d1), if(d_P1, d2, d3)), b_P) .
         P(n_P = n_P + 1, d_P1 = e_P == d2, d_P2 = e_P == d1, b_P = !b_P)
     + delta;

init P(0, d1 == d2, d1 == d1, true);


lpsbinary   [OPTION]... [INFILE [OUTFILE]]


Replace finite sort variables by vectors of boolean variables in the LPS in INFILE and write the result to OUTFILE. If INFILE is not present, stdin is used. If OUTFILE is not present, stdout is used

Command line options

-QNUM , --qlimit=NUM

limit enumeration of quantifiers to NUM iterations. (Default NUM=1000, NUM=0 for unlimited).

-rNAME , --rewriter=NAME

use rewrite strategy NAME:


jitty rewriting


compiled jitty rewriting


jitty rewriting with prover

-f[PARAMS] , --select=[PARAMS]

select parameters that need to be replaced. All selected parameters must have a finite sort other than Bool. Examples: –select=a:,b:Data or –select=:Enum4.


append timing measurements to FILE. Measurements are written to standard error if no FILE is provided

Standard options

-q , --quiet

do not display warning messages

-v , --verbose

display short log messages

-d , --debug

display detailed log messages


display log messages up to and including level; either warn, verbose, debug or trace

-h , --help

display help information


display version information


display help information, including hidden and experimental options


Jeroen Keiren